Monday, September 26, 2005


Found this in my draft box and thought this was about a good way to start as anywhere else. Without delay the second post of the new year; I liked to give a shout out to anyone who has read an entry and came back (even just to place an ad). Also this is for my fellow bloggers especially those who either have blogger's block or overflowed with too much information. To my boys Paul West, Angry Nick, and Marcus S. aka King Indie aka Anwar Sadat aka MSea.(check out his site which you can find a link on the side right to the right). Also I want to hollerout to those I know who I don't see but keep in my thoughts (sorry but I forgot y'alls names). Big ups to those who labor in the shadow and the light; those who clean up our messes, the media, the buracrcy, dissenters, and all those women in the world that have made me stutter. Keep hanging, keep strong, and keep loose.

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