Friday, December 08, 2006

Today in Black America

Long time no see (well not see but any other choice comes of strange)

Here at the offices of the New Negro there has been many changes largely personal, partly being lazy assed about updating. So let me see if I can recap the biggest news o the last few months:

Barrack Obama is considering a run for the Presidency

A black man was shot and killed by the NYPD under curious circumstances

Michael Richards aka Kramer went bat shit crazy at a LA comedy, repeatedly saying Nigger a total of six times and even added an allusion to lynching

Paul Mooney has renounced the N-word

The Wire returned with a vengeance looking at the public school system and will soon make an appearance on BET.

Wesley Snipes stupid ass just got arraigned on tax charges

More later

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The News of the World

Hear at the NNF we strive to always be topical and especially in this current enviroment (with marches, high crimes and the like) we've decided to let you read some of the news for yourself

Teacher bans laptops; Students take to the virtual seats
- This is a local story; University of Memphis law prof June Entman has banned the use of notebooks in her class begininng this month. Some students have begun to petition the rule but it appears to have the support of the law school's dean and doesn't infringe on ABA rules. The incident has brought up multiple questions especially about how technology affects classroom education. Here are the Links:

Slate (toward the bottom), "The Revolution Delayed"

The Commercial Appeal, "Laptop ban Revolt"

Concuring Opinions, "Should Proffesors ban Laptops in Class"

The Middle Eastern Conflict (Academic Edition)
- Recently to noted political science proffesors John Mearsheimer (Univ. of Chicago) and Stephen Walt (Harvard) recently made public a working paper on pro-Isreali interest groups. In the paper the proffesors suggested there is a loose confederation of interest groups, persons, and other organizations that have a great influence on American policy in regards to Isreal and the Middle East. Additonally, they argue this has negative conotations for our foreign policy. This is a controversial topic because it brings up issues of anti-semitism and the trick nature of the US/Isreali relationship. Also if someone like David Duke agrees with you, you're bound to catch fire. As with the above some articles for your parusal:

The Washington Post, "Of Isreal, Harvard, and David Duke"

The LA Times, "Who's Afraid of the Isreal Lobby?"

and the article itself, The Isreal Lobby

Two views on Black America: "Marriage is for White People" and "Plight Deepens for Black Men"
- From the NY Times and the Wash. Post respectively. The first article deals with the changing nature of marriage is seen from the perspective of Black women and men from the op-ed column. The second article describes how Black men continue to lag behind in the job market and some of it's causes.

Marriage is for White People-- Joy Jones

Plight Deepens for Black Men, Studies Warn-- Erik Eckholm

If I didn't get to any stories you wanted to get covered, STUFF IT! it's my blog get your own. I will try to update the edtiorials tommorow. As always check out my boy Marcus Seaberry's blog which you can find on the side , thank you for reading , feedback is always welcomed. Till later......