Wednesday, April 27, 2005

College Spirit

Alpha step, Omega step, Sigma step, Kappa step
- Congratulations to all graduating high school and college students; I wish you all the best. To college grads welcome to the race and to newly arriving freshmen welcome to the grinder. This blog is for all of you entering the wonderful world of higher education. So you've done the volunteer work, studied (or not), filled out the important paperwork, and passed either the ACT or SAT. Now you're waiting for your acceptence into one or more university or college in the US. I'm not going discuss the wheres or whys; you're in. You are now a part of the educated masses. Next fall you will be somewhere on your own (doesn't matter that you stayed in town or at home nobody cares that you've got a momma); you will now be responsible for your destiny. So here are some rules/facts for making it in college.
1.You must now pay for your books (unless by the grace of the almighty, you get moneybecause they ain't cheap).
2.Learn the layout quickly because you'll need when you have to schedule classes close together.
3.Make friends with your teacher or at least fake enough respect (see Grad school or scholarship for more information).
4.You are no longer in high school; bullshit less (you'll thank me later).
5.Learn to use the Library (especially those who like to play it close).
6.Learn to pray; especially in regards to test, quizes, and grades.
7.Learn to learn (go to the lectures, exhibits, etc.) Be open to the experience.
8.When sleeping in class; please prop yourself up in such a way that you look attentive.
9.This ain't highschool; kiddie shit such as fighting and acting out will have you put out and in some cases get you arrested.
10. If you are the type that made straight A's in school your whole life and make either a B or C do not complain; there are those who are worse off than you and it looks stupid.
11. Financial Aid is the devil and you should rebuke him.
12. If you live on campus, please learn to clean after yourself ie, don't take your clothes hoe to wash (your parents will thank you).
13. Unless you are otherwise told your average college lifespan is five years.
14. Find a job on campus; you get to control your teachers.
15. Don't worry this will all be over soon.

1 comment:

M.Sea said...

Good post. It reminds me of those long ago days when I was an young, so innocent, so naive. Ah, well, the past is the past. Good tips, too.