You know I applaud anyone who can successfully do a blog; the kind with the links on the side , good sytax and sentence structure, and timely (none of which this site is). I strive to publish a continuous blog but many things get in the way(life, BS, etc.). So the finished product is often a haphazard work of the type often associated with third graders. So if you don't want to be like me here are tips so that you too can be a big leaguer:
Have a good hook (You just don't realize how a good title can bring the readers)
Be Topical (and not just the traditional political topics but something really controversial such as Seaseme Street's secret advocation for the use of hallucinegenic drugs)
Have links (people just love links and will visit you often)
Use adult language (look at how popular it made Richard Pryor)
Get on TV (Talk about the the Bloggis revolution and the end of the mainstream media)
Use only ('Cause it's free)
Do these things and you'll be HUGE